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Jon Perez

Jon Perez

Jon Perez started writing in college when he joined the official weekly student newspaper of the University of the East in Manila, Philippines, during the early 1990s. From there, after college, he worked his way up from being a correspondent to a desk editor in various media outlets — publishing, broadcasting, and online. His last employment, before moving to Saskatchewan with his family in 2019, was with the Saipan Tribune in the U.S. territory of the CNMI. He was assigned to cover sports events, the CNMI legislature and local politics, federal immigration and labour issues, departments under the CNMI Governor’s Office, and other U.S. federal agencies.

Recent Work by Jon

Warman mayor sees positive gains on Hounds' relocation

Warman mayor sees positive gains on Hounds' relocation

The Warman Home Centre Communiplex will be the franchise's new home.
Warman franchise co-founders hope to attract fans with Hounds relocation

Warman franchise co-founders hope to attract fans with Hounds relocation

Hockey fans living near the City of Warman will soon see top-notch junior hockey games.
Wiens, Newkirk lead Saskatchewan's top sports heroes

Wiens, Newkirk lead Saskatchewan's top sports heroes

Their achievements in various sports could inspire the next generation of Saskatchewan athletes.
Winners to be named in 40th Saskatchewan Sports Awards

Winners to be named in 40th Saskatchewan Sports Awards

The province's best sports personalities will be honoured in an annual gala.
Saskatchewan wins boys U17 national soccer title

Saskatchewan wins boys U17 national soccer title

It was a history in the making for Saskatoon Alliance's U17 boys' squad.
Saskatoon Alliance U17 boys on top of soccer nationals group

Saskatoon Alliance U17 boys on top of soccer nationals group

Team Saskatchewan's Saskatoon Alliance has a chance to win the U17 national trophy.
Wins and losses for Team Saskatchewan in Canada soccer nationals

Wins and losses for Team Saskatchewan in Canada soccer nationals

The best youth soccer teams in Canada are gunning for national pride.
Swimming delivers for Saskatoon in Saskatchewan Summer Games

Swimming delivers for Saskatoon in Saskatchewan Summer Games

Saskatoon swimmers finished with nine gold, 21 silver and 13 bronze.
Saskatoon foils Regina teams in Provincial soccer finals

Saskatoon foils Regina teams in Provincial soccer finals

The four Saskatoon-based teams will prepare for the upcoming Nationals in October.
More work by Jon >